mkbook nominally utilizes CommonMark with some GFM extensions through the use of the comrak crate. In using comrak, a specific set of options are used, which are listed here:
let options: ComrakOptions = ComrakOptions { hardbreaks: false, smart: true, github_pre_lang: false, default_info_string: None, unsafe_: true, ext_strikethrough: true, ext_tagfilter: false, ext_table: true, ext_autolink: true, ext_tasklist: true, ext_superscript: true, ext_header_ids: Some("header".to_owned()), ext_footnotes: true, ext_description_lists: true, ..ComrakOptions::default() };
Mostly, know that the following extensions are enabled:
- Strikethrough
- Tables
- Autolinks
- Task Lists
- Superscripts (
e = mc^2^.
→e = mc<sup>2</sup>.
) - Description Lists:
First term : Details for the **first term** Second term : Details for the **second term** More details in second paragraph.